Fine Art in Graphic Design

Fine Art in Graphic Design

While much of graphic design and digital marketing is computer-based, having skills in fine art is an added benefit which aids in the quality of artwork as well as color theory, layout design theories and guidelines, and knowledge of the printing industry for print...
Creativity and Teamwork

Creativity and Teamwork

You’re not alone! When you hire The Graphic Edge, Inc. to work on your branding, marketing, website, social media, or any other need you have, we all become one big team. Your heart and soul is in your business and our goal is to showcase that creatively and...
Fine Art Illustration

Fine Art Illustration

The Graphic Edge, Inc. is led by Deborah Albus Wagner, who is a trained illustrator who graduated from Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia. She learned all of the primary art principles and lessons through the lens of illustration and when she started...
Bring Old Photos Back to Life

Bring Old Photos Back to Life

Bring your old photos back to life and help preserve memories of the good ol’ days! Are your treasured wedding or family photos damaged from cracks, sun or water stains? Let our experienced artists work their magic to repair them! We can repair any kind of...
Is it Time for a Website Redesign

Is it Time for a Website Redesign

Is your competition looking better than you? A new look shows you can keep up with the latest in your industry. _________ Is your website mobile-friendly? If your website comes up super tiny on a mobile device then it’s time to look at a redesign. _________ Is...
Did You Know

Did You Know

Over 60 million status updates are posted per day on Facebook Stay current and visible on your business page by filling it with new, relevant content! Facebook has over 1.79 billion monthly active users and is the most popular networking site. (according to eBizMBA...